Monday 15 April 2013


It's all happening... at least i think so. I haven't woken up yet so i guess this isn't a dream.

       Four months ago i started this whole journey. I sent in my application for The University of Victoria's exchange program. It was a long shot, as i needed a B average and i had a B- average (borderline A+ average) but i went ahead with it anyway. I sent in a long letter which between my mom, my dad and I and I'm sure whoever else was in the house (cable guy, plumber, my sister Donna)  proofread, rewrote,  and re-read again about five hundred times i finally sent it in. It was basically a borderline pathetic plead to the program to let me in with my word that i would increase my grades by the end of the upcoming semester. After about a week or two of the agonizing unknown i finally heard back. They accepted me on the terms that i improve my grade and attain the necessary B average.

       It was then the beginning of March then time to start my application process for my school of choice, The University of Leeds in England. I chose England because of the trip that my Mom, Grandma and I went on in November. I was so captivated by the amazing history that England has and just fell in love with its style and its beautiful quaint streets (and the boys with accents don't hurt either). I met a girl in Victoria who lives about an hour away from Leeds and told me it's a great school and a lot of fun so i decided to take her advice and go for it. By the beginning of March i had increased my grades and reached (drum roll) a B+ average. There was one problem though... those marks were not yet on my transcripts since the classes were not over yet so i got letters from each teacher stating my current mark in the class, got a letter from my advisor the explain it all, and sent it all in. I wasn't aware, but my advisor had also sent a personal email to the woman in charge of processing applications:

I am writing to you to ask for special consideration for UVic exchange candidate

Chelsea Cox, who recently  submitted her application to you. 
You may note that her grade point average is lower than I would
normally recommend for an exchange student, but in Chelsea’s case,
I do not think that the grade point is a true indicator of her 
ability as a student.

She forwarded me this along with the reply she received which said this:

It is really useful to have all this extra information
regarding Chelsea’s application, prior to processing it.
We will be happy to accept Chelsea to the University of 
Leeds, based on her in-progress grades this semester 
and the strong support she has from all of you at UVic!

Well this was the best news i could have gotten (it goes without saying my mom was in tears... so was my grandma) Where am at now is just waiting for my official acceptance letter to come in the mail because i need that document in order to put in my application for my student Visa, and also to be able to start booking my flights.

This is such an exciting time but it still hasn't really sunk in yet it still all feels so unreal. I've created this blog so that while I'm on my adventure i can keep everyone in the loop with whats going on and what I'm up to.

Welcome to my adventure...

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